

community church


We passionately believe God wants everyone to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Therefore, it is our mission in life to create positive experiences of grace to help introduce people to, and develop their relationship with, Jesus.


Our church is called to help others grow closer in their walk with God. 


Belong. Believe. Behave. Become.

  • Belong: We are called to invite everyone into our community so that they can see and experience for themselves God’s wonderful love and grace.
  • Believe: We are called to commit ourselves to learn from the teachings of Jesus as found in the Bible and as experienced with His ever-present Spirit in worship and in our lives with one another.
  • Behave: We are called to follow and put into practice the things Jesus taught. Belief needs to be put in action through repentance and changed behavior. We train and practice what we are taught (in our homes, at work, and in worship) with grace and care for each another, embracing mercy and rejecting legalism.
  • Become: We are called to cooperate with the Spirit of Jesus and help one another walk His path. As we do that, the Holy Spirit unites us to Christ, leading us into an intimate, joy-filled relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


To do this we focus on four major areas: Worship, Bible Teaching, Outreach, and Family Ministry.


Our congregation values music and worship through song. Our worship team is made up of musicians of varying ages, with diverse musical preferences and interests. They strive to serve and worship with the congregation, not perform for them. All are encouraged to sing, clap, and actively participate. 


Since the Bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God, the Bible is therefore our primary teaching tool for spiritual formation. Biblical truths are the foundation of what is taught in each teaching ministry from the youngest of children to the oldest of adults. Our preaching, small group ministry, youth ministry, and children's ministry all employ Biblical truths with the purpose of helping individuals understand the Bible academically and spiritually.


We want to live out God's Influence locally, nationally, and internationally.

  • Locally – sharing the Good News of Jesus through friends and family, by staffing and supporting our monthly Food Pantry, and by supporting ministries/programs outside the church that align with our calling to help the poor, such as the Toledo Rescue Mission.
  • Nationally – supporting ministries outside our church such as Prison Fellowship and World Partners.
  • Internationally – supporting overseas ministries such as our own Fishers of Men, an orphanage/medical mission outside of Mexico City.


There is a difference between doing something for the family and doing something with the family. A family ministry should develop the process that drives how both the church and the home combine their efforts to influence the next generation. We define family ministry as an effort to synchronize church leaders and parents around a master plan to build faith and character in their sons and daughters.

We believe a lot of parents would like to do more with passing down their faith, they just don’t know where to begin. They may have never had it modeled for them. They don’t have a clear strategy. As the church, we want to partner with the family, and that is why we are excited to share our Parent Ministry strategy and resources.